8 (800) 550-15-30
This tiny little package works equally well for desktop applications as it does for access.
This tiny little package works equally well for
desktop applications as it does for access.
Access control for all types of users
• Combine access for contract and short-term users with
contactless 13 MHz RFID reader featuring code entry.
• Ideal for cordoning off sections or allowing access to
time-restricted areas.
It’s good to have options
• Link it to your application and set-up different
operation modes:
− access with RFID-card and / or pin-only
− always open / locked mode (day & night)
− remote access via Ethernet connection
Permissions control at point-of-sale
• Identify and program permissions onto 13MHzkeycards or similar RFID-based data carriers at the
• Connects to POS PCs simply via USB, with additional
input/output connection to cashier drawer.
Flexible enough to offer local solutions
• Installation is easy – fits onto existing socket, mounts
straight onto a wall or sits neatly on your desk.
• Place it as second control unit in a separate location
to ensure doors stay closed in case of tampering.
Гарантия производителя | 1 |

Олег Левицкий
Имею стаж работы больше 5 лет в области технологий безопасности. Уделяю немало времени изучению инновационных решений на рынке.
С удовольствием помогу подобрать оптимальное решение как для домашнего, так и для коммерческого использования.